
Detailed Application Form (DAF) - Civil Services Main Examination 2012 - Important Instructions

  1. In case of NIL information, candidates are advised to clearly write NIL or NA or “0” in the relevant module. No module should be left blank.
  2. All relevant enclosures relating to educational qualifications, age, community, Physical disability etc. should be enclosed with the printed copy of the Application Form sent to the Commission.
  3. The printed copy of online application form must reach the Under Secretary (CSM), Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110069 on or before 27/08/2012 The envelope containing the application should be superscribed “Application for Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2012”.
  4. Candidates are also advised that the hard copy of the DAF to be submitted by them should be printed back to back. (deleted from the latest instructions pdf)
  5. A candidate seeking admission to examination must pay to the Commission a fee of Rs. 200.00 (Rupees Two Hundred only) through Central Recruitment Fee Stamps.
  6. Every candidate for this examination will be informed at the earliest possible date of the receipt of his/her application. If, however, a candidate does not receive from the Union Public Service Commission a communication confirming receipt of his/her application two weeks before the commence of the examination, he/she should at once contact the Commission, or 011-23385271. Failure to comply with this provision will deprive the candidate of any claim to consideration.
  7. Candidates admitted to the examination will be given E-Admit Card which they will have to download from the Commission’s website and which will permit  them to take the examination.
  8. Two self-addressed unstamped envelopes of approximately 11.5 cms × 27.5 cms size will have to be enclosed by the candidate along with his/her application form.
  9. A candidate must submit along with this form an attested/certified copy of a certificate showing that he has one of the qualification prescribed in Rule 7. The certificate submitted must be one issued by the authority (i.e. University or other examining body) awarding the particular qualification.
  10. A candidate must enclose with his/her application an attested/certified copy of certificate of age (indicating his date of birth).
  11. Candidates are advised to ensure that all the copies of photographs affixed by them on the application form are identical. If, on verification at any stage any variation is found in the copies of Photographs affixed by a candidate on the application form for the Preliminary Examination and on the application form of Main examination, his candidature will be liable to be cancelled by the Commission.

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